The strongest displacement in the suburbs of Baledweyne

by admin | Thursday, Nov 9, 2023 | 181 views

Most of the families have been displaced in the past few hours from the neighborhoods of Baledweyne in the center of Hiran region, who are afraid that the Shabelle River will flood in Baledweyne.
The neighborhoods of Haawo Takako, Bundaweyn and Kooshin are the most displaced neighborhoods, and the families living in those neighborhoods were seen being displaced to different places where they cannot reach the water of the Shabelle River.

Most of the people are displaced to El Jaalle neighborhood on the outskirts of Baledweyne city and other steep areas that cannot access water inside Baledweyne city.

The fear of displacement came after the water level of the river rose significantly, and heavy rains fell in Baledweyne town and the surrounding areas in the past hours.

It has been five months since the Shabelle river flooded Baledweyne, the capital of Hiran region, and now the people living in Baledweyne are displaced due to the fear of another flood in Baledweyne within a year.
W/D: Bashiir Abdulahi Osmaan

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